We are a Christian community founded by Proem Ministries. We rely solely on the Holy Scriptures, the Old and New Testaments, which are the only inspired and ultimate authority on matters of faith and Christian life.
We believe in God the Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
We believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for us and our sin, rose on the third day, entered Heaven and one day He will return in glory.
We believe that salvation (redemption) is only through a personal spiritual conversion and confession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, which is confirmed by baptism by immersion in water.
The Church was called by the Lord Jesus Christ to spread the Kingdom of God on earth. The church does this by worshiping God, preaching the Good News of salvation by grace through faith in Christ, and by making disciples (followers).
The core of following Christ is the process of constant change. It is characterized by a change in the character and life of a person to the likeness of Christ himself. This change is made possible by the Holy Spirit who is given to every believer at the moment of conversion and leads each follower to maturity in Christ.
We are faithful to God and His Word
God in Three Persons speaks to us through His Word, which is why the Bible is at the center of our lives and teaching. It defines all our goals, values and priorities and gives direction to the changes in our lives and character
We are relational
We focus on relationships with God and people in our homes, the community, and the world around us
We are open
We will do anything, without sinning, to help others get closer to God, regardless of where they are in life
We are authentic
We do not pretend to be something we are not, openly sharing our victories and failures in the process of change
We are involved
We are serving the people in our community, city, country and the world
We are family-oriented
We support families and help them build close ties and live with the next generation in mind
SCh Tomy is part of the Christian Church in the Republic of Poland (chrystusowi.pl), belonging to the Protestant church movement of the “second reformation,” otherwise called evangelical churches. The origins of the Christian Church date back to the end of the 18th century and the Restoration movement in the United States and Great Britain, proclaiming the need to return to the source – that is, the teachings of Jesus Christ, contained in the Scriptures as the only and ultimate authority on matters of faith. In Poland, the beginnings of the Christian Church date back to 1921.
Today, the Christian Church brings together the faithful in 48 communities throughout the country. SCh Tomy is in the Register of churches and religious associations of the Ministry of Interior and Administration, department A, item 24. The motto of the Christian Church in Poland are these words: Faithful to God – Open to People – Committed to the Gospel.